Dwelling Places


After the June congregational lunch, we were pleased to have Marsali Campbell speak to us about her work at Dwelling Places in Kampala, Uganda.

Dwelling Places aims to rescue, rehabilitate, reconcile and resettle street children, abandoned babies and high-risk families. Marsali’s talk was accompanied by a video and photographs, which gave us a much deeper insight into the situation there than we’d had before. It was especially interesting as we knew one of the congregation, Cho, would be flying to Kampala a few days later to volunteer at Dwelling Places for 4 weeks during the summer.


Marsali used to attend LCPC when she worked as a nurse at Great Ormond Street Hospital, so as well as informing us about her work, her visit was a chance for old friends to catch up, and new friends to be made!

You can find out more about Marsali and Dwelling Places by visiting the websites below:



Korean Food Night

Head Chef

Head Chef

Before heading back to Korea for the summer, one of our students, Cho, treated the youth group to a meal. Ably assisted by Ki, she cooked up a delicious feast for everyone to enjoy.

In addition to spending time at home in Korea, Cho will also be volunteering at Dwelling Places in Uganda.

Willing Tasters!

Willing tasters!

We look forward to seeing Cho again when she returns to London in September!

Church Social Night

Young socialites!

Young socialites

On Saturday 9 June, the congregation gathered together for an evening of food, fun and fellowship.

As usual, there was plenty food to go round, and once everyone had eaten all the chicken, quiche, pasta and sausage rolls that they could manage, it was time for The Big LCPC Quiz of 2013…

Some of the girls' quiz team

Some of the girls’ quiz team

Divided in to two teams – guys against girls – the scores were close, but eventually the guys claimed the victory. Their prize? Getting to be first in the queue at the Ice Cream Bar for dessert!

Anyone for ice cream?

Anyone for ice cream?

The evening ended with a question and answer session with Rev John Johnstone from Kirkcaldy Free Church. He was visiting LCPC for the weekend to preach at our communion service, and it was a great opportunity to get to know him better.

Join us next time to see if the guys can beat the girls again!